Skin Care Routine

The nature and science of beautiful skin

I have never had a serious skincare routine, let alone products that actually made a difference to my skin, and neither did I know what to use for my specific skin concerns. All I knew was that once adolescence hit, my skin would never be the same. I had accepted my fate of having acne complimented by hyperpigmentation, that was a constant reminder of each pimple that surfaced. My skin is 100% sensitive and dairy products also have their fair share on my acne episodes. Nonetheless, I try to avoid dairy as much as possible but sometimes, I really can’t resist the temptation. Back to the sensitive issue, as soon as anything gets in contact with my face, I break-out. Giving hugs has also become a dreaded activity for me lol, because of the contact with other people’s faces that also leads to my break-outs. Only people with sensitive skin will understand my dilemma. However, the products I’m using now made it a lot more bearable.

My desperate attempt to get rid of the acne led me down the dreaded hole of becoming a product junkie at some point in life, and still, nothing seemed to work. It was a nightmare! until these amazing anti-aging products graced their way into my life that were customized for my specific skin type and concerns. I now have my confidence back, plus good-looking skin to show for it. I am still on the journey to my skin goals and decided to share my progress so far and also show you guys what I have been using. See the image below of my progress.

2 weeks difference

Balanced cleanser

It feels very refreshing on your skin and draws out impurities from your skin without drying out your face. Since I started using this, my pore have been refined without having that tight feeling. My complexion definitely looks brighter.

Revitalizing Essence

This product is not your everyday toner. It’s literally miracle water that quickly hydrates your skin while smoothing and softening your skin. I love it because of how gentle it is on my skin. It very soothing because Chamomile, but also replenishes with its natural fruit acids.

Age Control Nector

This is one of my favorites and I only apply this at night because it contains vitamin C. It contains hyaluronic acid that has been crucial with my fight against hyperpigmentation. This has also been great for improving my skin’s texture and evened out my skin tone. For those who are a little older and are looking to gain elasticity in their skin and reduce fine lines and wrinkles, this is for you too.

Nourishing moisturizer

This moisturizer is hands down the best thing my skin has touched. Especially for my dry and sensitive skin, it keeps it hydrated all day, yet nourished and moisturized.

Eye smooth cream

I decided to give this a try and I was amazed by how my eye bags were gone in only a few hours.

A huge part of my skin routine is exfoliation, which I do twice a week and this has significantly contributed to brightening my skin and relieve me of most of the hyperpigmentation. Stay tuned for what I use to exfoliate…..

If you have been searching for the world’s most effective natural ingredients with the proven groundbreaking application of science and technology, our researchers and scientists have developed 5 key most advanced approaches to anti-aging available today. We have been clinically tested and approved by ophthalmologists and dermatologists and our skincare is naturally based, cruelty-free and vegan. Nothing beats the confidence in your skin with the knowledge that you’re safe and using safely developed products.

If you are READY for your own skin transformation, take this skin consultation to find out what is recommended for your skin type and specific concerns.

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